Saturday, January 08, 2011

The Cutest Baby on the Planet

Ok, so fine, I take a lot of pictures of my baby.

Mostly because I'm still trying to learn to use my camera and as a semi-immobile being, she is unable to form an escape plan.

Anyway, here are my faves from today.  Still trying to learn how to work with sunshine and shadows:

She's sitting up like a champ and to me, it seems the sitting up and holding her own bottle has lessened the spit up problems somewhat. 

Not that we're in the clear by any means, but at least it doesn't pool on the spit rag anymore.

Husband sends me pictures of her on my phone while I'm at work.

Yesterday he sent me a picture of her in her leopard print tutu outfit.

He had it on backwards.

I said, "You know you have her onesie on backwards, right?"

He replied, "So?  At least she isn't naked."


Rebecca Lynn said...

Carolyn Calendar - right here! I can't wait to see what you can do with your camera after some time has past. These are the cutest EVER (and I have five kids of my own to brag about.)

Shannon said...

I wanted to let you know that I follow your blog and love it. Carolyn is beautiful. I also wanted to let you know that I have given you an award on my blog.