Friday, January 07, 2011

Stirring the Pot

1.  There's someone here at work who's stirring the pot.  Big time.  Changes are being made left and right.  Very few of the changes affect me directly, but since my desk is in the common lobby area, you can bet your rear end I hear about exactly who they affect and why.

2. That common lobby area? One of the changes that's happening right now is The Great Clean-Up of 2011.  We've moved everything out including all of the hulking filing cabinets.  It looks nice and clean, but now there's nothing to absorb the sound.  Sometimes there are  two or three conversations going on in the offices around me and I can hear every word - even if it's being whispered.

3.  Those hulking filing cabinets?  They are now in the back office/"new file room".  I was pretty POed that they decided to put the filing cabinets instead of me.  I really, really, really wanted my own office.

4.  The New File Room?  It's the perfect hiding place from The Tummy Toucher.  Any time I see her coming, I fake a sudden, urgent need to file the papers that have been sitting on my desk all day long.  In fact, I stock pile things to file for just such an occasion.

5.  The Tummy Toucher?  As I was hiding in the New File Room yesterday, she actually came to find me.  To ask me how the baby is.  For the sixth time.  And then she apparently felt the need to hug it out.  I dodged her.  She's a freakazoid stalker.

6.  And as long as you asked, The Man Who No One Likes?  He stepped in cat poop today.  And before he realized he'd done it, he went into a meeting with some Very Important People on Campus.  The Very Important People on Campus kept mentioning that something stunk.  It was The Man Who No One Likes.  Mwahahahaha.

7.  Now on to more important things.  The apartment complex just up the street from us is constantly hanging out signs and balloons to entice people to pull in and sign a lease.  Then, they leave the balloons up for like a week, during which the balloons deflate and hang there like latex gloves.  On my way off of our street today, there was a 10-11 year old boy on the corner by himself making out with one of those balloons.

8.  For anyone who wants/needs a massage, I'm now going to be working at Tic Tac Nail by the big HEB on Dowlen.  I'll be there tomorrow from 10-3.

9.  Tonight is the Cotton Bowl - Texas A&M vs. LSU. If you hear screams of great agony or of elation, it's coming from our house.

10.  I'm looking for a piece of furniture that looks something like this.  I've checked Craig's List for our area and have come up empty handed.  Anyone know of anything like it??  Please let me know ASAP!

1 comment:

Garon and Laura said...

For your piece of furniture have you looked at big lots, I know there is one in Port Arthur (not the cleanest big lots but sometimes they have descent furniture).