Wednesday, June 02, 2010

It Can't Get Any Cuter

Hands down, the best thing about having a little girl is the clothes.  They're so cute, I can barely stand it.  Here is just a sampling.  A couple I received at my baby shower a two weeks ago (there are no actual pictures of the shower because I forgot to take my camera.  I know!  Me!  The camera queen!  With no camera!). 

I might have held up these clothes (ok, so all of the clothes) and started blubbering at them.  Because I now blubber at everything. 

The Texas A&M onesie - I bought this myself - last June when I thought I was pregnant but totally wasn't.  I was going to give it to Husband to tell him he was going to be a daddy.  I thought I was really hot stuff because for the very first time in my life, I'd thought of something cute...and was prepared for it.  Can you believe it?  Yeah, me neither.  It's been a year and I'm still impressed with myself.  When I found out I wasn't pregnant, I gave it to Husband anyway because I can't really keep a secret for very long and if I'd have had to wait until November to give it up, I probably would have busted a gut.  Unfortunately, he didn't return the favor by getting me BYU baby gear, so it looks like I'll have to get it myself.

I really think there's nothing cuter than a onesie with a pink cow on the rear end.  Nothing.

And, I'm sorry, but a leopard print tutu dress??  Ugh.  What are you trying to do to me?  I cried with joy when I saw this one.  Can you imagine my little red-headed girl in this with her chubby Michelin legs lopping over the sides?  It makes me a little giddy.

I know what you're thinking.  These are a little too big for a baby, right?  That's because they're not for a baby, they're for ME!  Remember how a couple of weeks ago I was saying I wanted some pregnancy overalls?  Well, that's all it took.  This week a box arrived from Thanet with these lovelies in it (and some soft linen blankets, which I'm thinking about using myself and not ever giving to The Lentil).  You know my motto:  A real friend sends a friend pregnancy overalls (and approves of her wearing them) even if they're ugly. 

I screamed when I opened the box - and then almost cried when I tried them on and they didn't fit over my belly.  Not to worry!  I will wear them every day once The Lentil is born.  You think I'm kidding, but I'm totally not.


Kristina P. said...

You should just wear a Snuggie.

Kari McCallon said...

Cute clothes!!!

Holli said...

Definitely love the cow on the booty. But, more than that, I loved watching Gabi squeal when she found it! :) She knew it was destined to be worn by a Peter's baby!