Tuesday, April 14, 2009

31 - The Age of Exculsion

Husband and I have been invited to a "young married" activity this coming Friday. This despite the fact that we're apparently too old. The church generated list has edited us out because Husband recently turned 31. However, the organizers of the event have taken notice of our coolness and decided it would be no good without us. Or maybe they feel sorry for us. Either way, FREE FOOD!

I suppose that means that you are only young and married until the age of 30. Or until you have kids. Which ages you 9 years. Or 12. Because the multiple 19-year-olds in the ward who just had babies have also been edited and don't get an invite either.


Teagan said...

I argue that men cannot date 19 year olds until the late 20-somethings are all married!! So spread the word with your coolness.

Erin said...

I've been trying to spread that word for years. Unfortunately, no one wants to listen. I've been especially unsuccessful down here - all the boys are getting older and older and they get engaged to girls who've just graduated from high school. Husband says I should just leave them alone and let them do what they want but I'm having a hard time with that for some reason...

JRome said...

Hahaha! For some reason no one knows what to do with those that are still single above 30!