Dancing With The Stars: I'm pretty sure it can't get any better than Rick Perry vs. Vanilla Ice. PS Ryan Lochte looks like much less of a jerk without the blonde/blue hair. #CastingDepartmentForTheWin
The Tater climbed into my bed at 11:30pm (as he does pretty much every night) and continued to scoot me toward the edge of the bed all night long. But then, at 6am, he ran his chubby little hand lightly down the side of my face and whispered, "Mama, you so pretty." #CantBeMadAfterThat#MamasBoy
Me: What did you do at school today?
The Kid: We made rules. I suggested that there'll be no kissing at school. And when I say NO KISSING, I mean NO KISSING.
Me: Why's that?
The Kid: We're definitely not old enough for that.
Me: When will you be old enough?
The Kid: Daddy says I can kiss a boy when I'm 32.
#ExcellentAnswer #ParentingWin #NoKissingZone
Today's business: 1. When the car behind you tailgates you for several miles, finally passes you going 90 miles an hour in a school zone and then gets caught behind the car in front of you. Karma, buddy. 2. At what age can kids be counted on to eat and NOT get food all over their clothing? 3. The Kid gave me a lecture this morning on "the amphibious nature" of frogs. 4. I spoke at church yesterday and was a complete mess the entire time. The Kid said, "Well, mama, you tried hard, but there was way too much crying." 5. T-minus five days until college football. And my birthday! I am accepting all gifts!
I have one kid who won't let me tickle her arm and I have another who's a tickle junkie, as evidenced by an appearance by the side of my bed at 1:30am, a hand slapped in the middle of my chest, and the wailing of, "Mama, tickle my arm!" #CantWaitUntilMorning #HeNeedsRehab#INeedSleep #MaybeIShouldGoToRehabSoICanSleep
The Kid asked me to do her Barbie's hair and then later on, I heard her talking to the doll, "I'm sorry mama messed up your hair do. Doing hair is not one of her many talents." #NotTalented #CantEvenDoMyOwnHair#LetAloneAnyoneElses
You know what the awesomest thing is about having a hair trigger smoke alarm that goes off every. single. time you open your oven? Absolutely nothing.
Husband's greatest joy in life is to tease our children mercilessly:
Husband: I wanted to buy you chicken and fries, but mama wouldn't let me!
The Kid: I think you're the blame on this one, daddy.
Husband: I'm the blame?
The Kid: Yeah, sometimes you lie.
#Pegged #ShesNotStupid
The Kid: I think you're the blame on this one, daddy.
Husband: I'm the blame?
The Kid: Yeah, sometimes you lie.
#Pegged #ShesNotStupid
Today, all of Husband's appointments were cancelled, so he asked if I wanted to ride into town with him. Let me tell you, I feel like since we've moved, I've seen less of him than I ever have, so this day felt like a gift. I made my yearly trip to Specs where they didn't even try to pretend they were going to card me. I'm pretty sure it's because I was looking very responsible with my gallon of rum. #DayOutWithHusband#YesINeedThisMuchRum #NoImNotTellingYouWhy
The Tater apparently feels that burping is an essential and required part of drinking out of any beverage bottle. And, since he doesn't always have to burp, he just does a fake one and then invariably and demurely says, "Oh! Excuse me." #ICantHelpButLaugh #IProbablyShouldntEncourageHim
Praise the Lord! Sunday is FINALLY World Female Topless Day - to promote female and male equality in going topless. And let me guess, the people who support it are probably the same ones who think breastfeeding in public is inappropriate. #ForReal #YallStop #UnlessYouNeedToFeedABaby#ThenYouFeedThatBaby
Driving The Kid to school this morning:
The Kid: Mama, you've got to drive on the asshole.
Me: Do WHAT?!
The Kid: The black asshole.
Me: Dude, I have no idea what you're trying to say, but that's not a nice word.
The Kid: THE ROAD!
Me: Oh, asPHALT. The road is made of asPHALT. Not that other word.
#YouKeepSayingThatWord #IDoNotThinkItMeansWhatYouThinkItMeans
Me: Do WHAT?!
The Kid: The black asshole.
Me: Dude, I have no idea what you're trying to say, but that's not a nice word.
The Kid: THE ROAD!
Me: Oh, asPHALT. The road is made of asPHALT. Not that other word.
#YouKeepSayingThatWord #IDoNotThinkItMeansWhatYouThinkItMeans
The Tater's newest thing: climbs up on my lap, buries his head in my chest and says, "I wanna be with my mama." #MamasBoy #PleaseNeverGrowUp#ExceptGrowUpEnoughToStopThrowingTemperTantrums
Something I don't like about myself: I don't do conflict. Like even a little bit. Even the thought of conflict makes my belly hurt. While this can be a good thing, there are certain instances where I get steamrolled because I'm just not mean/outspoken enough. And the times I do try to stand up and make a point, I generally start crying (well, not crying like sobbing, but my eyes tear up), which makes me appear weak and child-like. While I believe that kindness really can accomplish a lot of things, there are times when you HAVE to be the squeaky wheel. And I have no idea how.
The Kid and I have had several conversations about taxes and electing officials you trust to administer them. This afternoon she handed me a bag of fruit snacks to open:
Me: Yes, I'll open them, but there will be an opening tax of one fruit snack.
The Kid: I'm not sure I'd vote for you. That is an unfair tax.
The Kid: I'm not sure I'd vote for you. That is an unfair tax.
School Pick up on day 1: I show up at 3:30 and end up having to wait 25 minutes to get to the front of the pick up line. Day 2: I show up at 3:38 and The Kid is in the school crying because she is literally the last kid at the school and she's afraid I've forgotten her. #MomFail#IWillGetItRightByTheEndOfTheYear #TheBusIsLookingBetterAndBetter
Second day of school:
Me: Dude, those clothes don't match and it's going to be 95 degrees, don't you want to wear shorts and a t-shirt?
The Kid: Nope. I'm covering all the way up so ants can't get me.
#Naturally #IGotHerToChangeToShortSleeves #ButThatsIt
The Kid: Nope. I'm covering all the way up so ants can't get me.
#Naturally #IGotHerToChangeToShortSleeves #ButThatsIt
Me: Well, how was school today?
The Kid: The boy next to me is shy and he doesn't talk very much. I like him. But the hot dogs at lunch did not taste good. I don't think they buy the high quality ones.
The Kid: The boy next to me is shy and he doesn't talk very much. I like him. But the hot dogs at lunch did not taste good. I don't think they buy the high quality ones.
We had the missionaries over for dinner tonight and they were talking about how The Tater is usually surrounded by little girls in the nursery at church:
Me: The Tater usually does really well with girls for some reason.
The Kid: Yeah, he just wants to share with the girls, not the boys, because he's trying to get himself some hot ladies.
#HotLadiesGoToChurch #NurseryPickUpLines#WannaShareMyFishCrackers #JustKidding#HeDoesntShareCrackersNoMatterHowHotTheLadiesAre
The Kid: Yeah, he just wants to share with the girls, not the boys, because he's trying to get himself some hot ladies.
#HotLadiesGoToChurch #NurseryPickUpLines#WannaShareMyFishCrackers #JustKidding#HeDoesntShareCrackersNoMatterHowHotTheLadiesAre
I'm unsure which is more upsetting: the end of the Olympics or the first day of school. Either way, I am entering a stage of depression that will only resolve itself at the advent of the college football season. #IWillMissWatchingAwesomeThingsEveryNight #AndIWillMissMyGirl
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