Saturday, August 02, 2014

Because I Want This Documented

I read this blog by my friend Holli the other day and it rang home...

I am not perfect.

Not that I ever have been.

And not that I want to be.

But I let the fact that I am not exactly where I want to be weight-wise keep me from being in pictures.

Any pictures.

But especially ones with my kids.

And beside, I'm usually the one who takes all the pictures, so being in them is hard.

This morning, I asked Husband to take a picture of me with Tater.

My hair wasn't done, I had on my ratty t-shirt...and I almost didn't do it.

And had I not, I would have missed this:


1 comment:

Chamberlin said...

I had a similar post somewhere and totally agree. Hence the pictures of me with half straight half curly hair from the reunion.