Friday, November 16, 2012

A Tea Party

A couple of weeks ago, I had a meeting at church where they served dessert on little, tiny plates.

With little, tiny spoons.

Someone mentioned that it looked like a mini tea set.

Enough said, dude.

I started gathering the used plates, cups, and spoons - because I'm not weird enough already, I have to dumpster dive for used plastic wear - to take home for Carolyn.

And guess what?!

I'm now freakin' Mom-of-the Year!

So many tea parties have been going on up in this house, it's like it's a party that never ends.

Of course, Carolyn's idea of a "tea party" is spreading out her stuffies on the floor, giving them each a plate of food, and then systematically going around the circle and taking all of the food back for herself.

That's normal, right?

Here's what it looks like:

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