Thursday, July 29, 2010

More Requests

Just a couple of requests (and TMI):

Is there any way nipples could come with LED lighting?  You know, for the middle of the night when you're trying to get a good breast feeding latch on your extra sore nipples and you and your baby can't seem to make it work right because you can't see a thing??

And speaking of the middle of the night, I think baby poop should glow in the dark.  Because at 1am, it's really hard to make sure you've gotten it all.  Then you wake up the next morning and realize that you missed about 3/4 of it and it has now made it's way all the way up Baby's back.  No wonder she's fussy.

Oh, and The Judy is here!  Extra special thanks to sister-in-law, who drove all the way to Houston to pick her up.


Kendra said...

Ha, we struggled with this at the beginning..then we went and spent $2 on a couple night wonders!

The Livingstones said...

I was thinking a little flashlight or a touch lamp that will turn on really dim. Put it within reach of where you nurse, so you can turn it off when you get everything arranged. A little light won't hurt. Hooray for Judy showing up! I'm glad to know she didn't hop on the wrong flight.

Kari McCallon said...

Thanks for the Jamba Juice tip. I'll have to try it. cause I love that place. Matt and I need to come see you and that cute little kid soon.

Cindy said...

I used a touch lamp from WalMart ($10) when I had to get up to feed Josh. The lowest setting was like a nightlight. Pretty soon you won't need it anymore though--she'll get better at latching on and you can do it in the dark. I guess you'd still need it for the poopy diaper situation...

Holli said...

After some time, you watch - you and Carolyn will get so good at it that you can breast feed in your sleep. Seriously. There were a few nights I woke up and found Gabs latched on. Granted, I kinda felt violated but it wasn't bad catching a few zzzs while getting the job done.

lauraacall said...

I agree with the small night like a charm. And it is true that pretty soon you will be pros at feeding and she won't poop in the night. But for now, it is a very worthy purchase.

Yeah for you that your mom is there with you! There is truly nothing like having your mom with you at this time.

Porter Family said...

think about a wrinkly old lady laying in bed and sing these two words: clap on...:) yea for the Judy making it! I hope you give her tons of one-on-one snuggle time with bumkins.

stephanie from texas said...

no thank you for loaning Judy to me. i had a blast. maybe i will be in on the ride back to the airport!