Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Things On My Mind

I'm trying hard to remember that:

1.  Everyone thinks their kids are just as cute as I think mine is.
2.  No one cares if she's burped.  Or had a wet or messy diaper.  Or just made the cutest face ever.

I am especially grateful for:

1. Husband - who told me last night that there's no one he'd rather do this with.
2.  A sister-in-law who has come to sit with me for the last two days.  She's kind of become a security blanket.  When I get to have her and Husband here with me, I feel so safe. Plus, then I get to shower and take some naps.
3.  Sisters and friends who've called and written with really, really good advice and made me feel like I'm not stupid, crazy, or out of control (even if sometimes, I am).
4.  A baby girl who is healthy.  Her lungs are especially healthy...at 2 am.

Things I Could Not Live Without Right Now:

1.  Lansinoh Lanolin Cream
2.  Nipple Shields
3.  Vicodin - yes, I am a druggie.
4.  Pregnancy overalls
5.  Boppy pillow


Kristina P. said...

I don't even know what nipple shields are. Why would you want to shield them?

Shelby Bingham said...

I heart the shields too. And the vicodin? Ya, didn't need it for the stitches, but it really helped with nursing pain!

Here's a quote for you from Anne of Avonlea: Marilla says this while everyone is admiring Diana's baby -- "Every baby is the sweetest and the best." Or something like that. Go right ahead and celebrate every burp and dirty diaper! :)

Porter Family said...

Look, missy, I care if Miss Carolyn poops her pants, okay? :) I want to hear all about it, okay??? I'm glad you're doing better with the cream and nipple shields. They are lifesavers! I saved some of my Tylenol 3's for later when I had massive headaches. I love those drugs! More pictures of baby please!!!!! I love you!

Kendra said...

Luckily, and it may not seem like it now, the nipple pain does get better!!! My daughter is just about 8 weeks old and I'm good to go most days without putting on some extra moisturizing Nuk.

Kristen said...

So, just a heads up...beware of thrush in your baby's mouth. (Looks like white cottage cheesey stuff on the inside of baby's cheeks.) It is a yeast infection and my last two babies have gotten it. If you don't treat it right away, you will get it (transfered during feedings). And then the sore, cracked, bleeding nipples will return. Enough said.

stephanie from texas said...

i love you to pieces too erin. i can think of no other place i would have rather been....it meant so much to me to have shared those first few moments and then days with you guys.