Monday, July 19, 2010

Come Outta There, You Big Heifer!

This morning I was sitting at my desk.

Because that's what I do at work.

Suddenly, an officer from the Lamar Police Department walked in, ordered me to stand up, and started yelling at my belly, "Come outta there, you big heifer!  Yo mama tired a carryin' you 'round!"


Thanks a million, officer.  I'm sure your motivational speech will inspire her to come immediately. 

I couldn't do this without you.

And thank you for referring to my baby as a "big heifer". 

There's really nothing like being compared to a cow before you're even born.


Kristina P. said...

I'm sure that will help her become a Hooters Girl.

Erin said...

A mother's fondest dream...

Holli said...

I find heifer to be a term of endearment. I don't know why. Dad's cow Izzy has made me a seriously deranged heifer-fan.

Bitter said...

Not to be the creepy blog stalker or anything... but I was creepy blog stalking random people, and I happened upon yours. I had to salute you for your efforts. After glancing at maybe 4 million boring blogs, yours is extremely entertaining and refreshing. Keep it up!

And don't worry, I wont make a habit out of stalking you. Have a nice life!

Gill said...

ROFL i am new here - and your latest post has me hooked. Mind if i hang around a bit?
