Thursday, November 12, 2009

As Long as I'm Being Honest...

This is a follow up to the honesty post - just a few more things I need to get off my chest:

11.  Beside failure and losing someone I love, my biggest fear is getting a pap smear.  I don't want anyone to touch me there like that.  I mean, is there anyway you could warm up that KY jelly there, Doctor? And then stop with the prodding? I thought about this because it's that time of year again.  The time where they call you two weeks early to verify your appointment.  Can't they call me like the day before?  I mean, it gives me panic attacks all the way up until the day...and for like seven days after.

12.  I hate uninteresting stories with unnecessary details.  I dread talking to people who tell them.  Which, in the last couple of months, is pretty much everyone I've come in contact with.  Like I don't need you to describe the outfit you were wearing unless it pertains to the outcome of the story.  For real, people.

13.  Never read over my shoulder.  And, if at anytime I let you, you should never read out loud under your breath.  And don't breathe on me either.

14.  I mourn the way my children will more than likely be raised.  Not that I think I'll be a bad parent or anything, but I wish I could raise my kids more like I was raised.  I don't know how I'm going to teach my kids responsibility at an early age.  I don't know how they're going to learn the value of money.  I don't know how, especially if we live in southeast Texas, they're going to learn to love to be outside.  I want them to have places to run and run and not have to worry about the sex offender down the street.  All this scares me.


Kristina P. said...

Apparently, Kerri is having problems with her website, but you can buy stuff from her Etsy shop. Just search for Messesandmudpies. Hope it works!

Holli said...

Trust me Erin, there are some good country places wonderful for raising children just outside the city limits. I had the same concern about Gabi having the opportunities I had growing up. But, we just go down to my parents house and let her ride horses, milk cows, play with all kinds of dogs/cats, and run until she can't run any more. She's even been known to skinny dip a time or two. When you and Nick have kids, just escape to the country whenever you can.

Erin said...

Unfortunately, we have no country connections down here! Maybe I could hook up with yours!