Wednesday, November 11, 2009

As if You Didn't Know Everything Already...

LOOK!  My first blog award (thanks, Holli):

In order to accept this award I was asked to list ten honest things about myself and then pass it on to seven other bloggers.  This is kind of funny to me.  Because it's not like I have anything to tell that hasn't already been told.  But, as I have absoultly nothing to do at work today and this requires talking about my favorite topic (i.e. ME), here goes nothing:

1.  I am the worst secret keeper on the face of the planet.  As in like, if you don't want anyone to know anything, you should NEVER tell me.  Of course, I have gotten a little bit better at keeping secrets since I've gotten married and moved away from all the people I know.  The only person I really have to tell anything to is Husband.  And most of the time he doesn't even care because he doesn't know the people I'm talking about.  It kind of takes the fun out of telling to begin with...

2.  I often hate other girls because they're pretty.  Yeah, it's true.  I find it especially hard when the girls have long, thick, shiny hair.  Or when they weigh 90 pounds and they talk about feeling fat.  I get angry.   And it makes me want to act violently toward them.

3.  I used to be totally against plastic surgery but now I think I would totally get some when it's "needed"...if I had the cash.  I used to be really, really against it.  But now I think, who would it hurt?  I mean, if I had to have a new nose to feel good about myself, more power to me!  Not that I think I need a new nose.  I think I have the cutest nose on the face of the planet.  I also have nice ears.  But a tummy tuck...that might be admissible.

4.  I miss my dad and my sister more than I can ever express.  I want them back.

5.  I think I have anxiety attacks.  I don't know this for sure.  And I never had what I think are anxiety attacks until I moved to Texas.  I get this feeling where my heart beats really fast and I feel like I can't breathe.  And I can't talk myself out of it.  Sometimes there are chest pains.  It scares the living daylights out of me. 

6.  I am pretty much the most pathetically impetuous person you'll ever meet.  I make decisions on the fly and don't really think about consequences or outcomes.  Sometimes it's a good thing and sometimes it puts me in a pickle (or a lot of pickles).  Again, this has kind of toned down since I've gotten married.  Because Husband is so not impetuous.  And he sees what'll happen for me.  Sometimes I take his advice because his life mantra is, "Baby, nothing bad ever happens to me."

7.  Husband never propsed to me.  I just kind of told him we were getting married.  Three days after I'd started talking to him on the phone.   Please see #6 above.  But good gosh, I was a fool for that man before I'd ever layed (laid??) eyes on him.  And as long as I'm being honest, I was scared of the first picture he ever emailed me.  He had RED hair.  All I could think was, "Oh, babies with white, white skin..."  I know.  I hadn't even met him yet and already I was planning the babies.  What a freak.

8.  People who talk bad about the beef industry make me mad.  Because they've never seen how my dad takes care of his cows.  He knows those cows.

9.  I am scared to death of newborn babies.  They have floppy, floppy heads.  Whenever women want to know if I want to hold their new babies, I try to act all nice and impressed with the baby...but really I'm freaking out.  What I really want to do is yell, "NO!  I DON'T WANT TO HOLD YOUR CHILD!  GET IT AWAY FROM ME!"  Because what if I hold them and their heads fall off?

10.  I don't mind losing as long as I have a fighting chance.  Husband might disagree with this, but I really don't mind losing as long as at some point in the game there's a possibility I could win.  For this reason I cannot play video games with Husband.  Once I lost at xBox 360 NCAA basketball 80-2.  I couldn't even figure out which button to push to make my player move.  And on Sunday, at Wii boxing, it took longer for me to get knocked out when I was just standing there than when I was actually trying.  It made me so mad I threw the remote.  I blame it on PMS.  At least that's what I'm telling myself.

So, that's it.

I really don't have any idea who to tag...I think most people I know are DONE with the Erin sent tag.  However, maybe the fact that they get an award will be enough...soooo....

1.  Heather
2.  Nancy
3.  Julie Neff
4.  Stephanie Bonin
5.  Marla (you can post on the family blog)
6.  Kari McCallon
7.  Tomlin



Kristina P. said...

We have so much in common!!

I love that you are scared of babies too!

My husband didn't really propose either. He just said, "Hey, we should get married." OK.

And I can guarantee those are anxiety attacks. I suffered from my first one this summer, but mine is generally feeling like I'm going to pass out, and I get really light headed.

I have a great book that has helped me a ton.

Julie said...

Hey! I believe I was tagged. I'll see what I can do about it...

Kristina P. said...

Erin, I emailed Kerri because her website doesn't seem to be working. I will let you knw!

Teagan said...

It's going to take me a few times to make up some really good honest stuff about myself.

Holli said...

Hey - there were some things there I didn't know. I love how honest you are!!

The Livingstones said...'ll take me a few days to think of 10 things that are both true and interesting.

Erin said...

Why do they have to be interesting? I would have never written anything if that was the case!

Hooper Neffs said...

I'll have to think about this.