Wednesday, January 14, 2009

How In the World...

1. Ninety-percent of the time when I meet a person with a confirmed STD, the first thing I think is, "Good grief! YOU NASTY! How in the world did you actually convince someone to sleep with you in the first place?" Then, I see some of the other people on the planet and I think, "Oh, that's how!"

2. I actually met a person with photophobia the other day, just like Howie. I didn't know that people like that really exist.

3. I had no idea how much joy I had been denying Husband by not allowing him to buy a Fry Daddy for the past two years. He brought one home last week and watching him use it is like watching a little kid with his toys on Christmas morning.

4. After only 18 months of waiting, Season 7 of 24 started this week. It's a good thing, because Husband was having withdrawals.

5. I am becoming more and more proficient at Dance, Dance Revolution on the Wii on a daily basis. There are at least two songs on the beginner level that I can do now without being booed off the stage or having the game tell me how disappointed it is in me.

6. I can't tell you how thrilled I am with our new DVR. Last night we found out that you can watch all of the important parts of The Biggest Loser in a little under 50 minutes instead of the super annoying two hours they stretch it out to on regular TV.

7. I'm going to invent something that will stop my plucked eyebrows from growing back. I, for one, am tired of trying to stay properly groomed when the damn things grow so fast.

8. One of my New Year's resolutions is to get a new job - my requirements are: voice mail, no direct supervision, and a place to hang my college diploma...because, I earned it, and darn it, people are going to KNOW it.

9. Speaking of new jobs, I found my dream job on the Internet the other day - you have to enter this contest to live on an island in the Barrier Reef. All you have to do is enjoy the island and blog about it once a week. Ummm...HELLO! CHOOSE ME. And on top of that, you make $105,000 and get free housing for an entire year.

10. I threw up last night for the first time in years and years. It burned my throat so bad that it still feels like it's on fire. I have no idea why people would want to be bulimic and do that on purpose.


Melanie said...

Don't know how we lived without the DVR. I just don't remember having to watch's the best!

Holli said...

Oh,my! Are you sick? Why'd ya throw up?

Also, I think I left my cell phone at your place... can we arrange a drop-off? :)

Porter Family said...

Every time I have to puke I just sit there next to the toilet for the first ten minutes and these are the thoughts that run through my mind.
1. Please, please, please just don't puke.
2. Okay, if I have to puke at least I know I'll feel better once I do.
3. I could never be bulimic and do this on purpose.
4. Please, please don't puke.
5. Oh, goes...

Seems to me we're on the same wavelength. I knew you were a smart gal.

The Livingstones said...

1. Mom and dad now have a dvr. They have no idea how to use it, but Jared and I record everything we want to watch. It's the best. It makes it possible for us to go without a tv at our own house and still see what we want....if we can wrestle the tv away from jared. I mostly only like to see the weigh in on biggest loser - which takes about 5 minutes on the dvr - in real time - 30 minutes - at least.
2. They do have something to keep your hair from growing - it's called a laser.
3. Maybe you need to take another pregnancy test. Or - maybe you just have food poisoning like dot com. Was it the fry daddy?
4. I need to go take a nap now.

Erin said...

1. I LOVE the DVR. And Nick is pretty good at sharing the TV.

2. I can't afford a laser and also I hear that it hurts like hell. I want painless and cheap.

3. Pregnancy test - check. Negative for all those who are wondering.

4. I also am going to take a nap.