If you think your life sucks, you should spend a day at the doctor's office. It takes about 30 minutes to understand it's not THAT BAD.
This is because 32% of the doctor's patients could be guests on Jerry Springer. I know I've said it before, but I always thought Jerry Springer's guests were coached on what to say, coached on their stories, coached to appear so trashy. WRONG. After having lived in Beaumont, I can say without reservation that people like that ACTUALLY exist and yes, they are all-up-in-your-face, too.
One of our patient's husbands took a knife to another lady's face about six months ago, trying to get drug money. He is currently in prison AGAIN. Another woman's husband was shot in the chest (probably by one of his four ex-wives) three years ago. It also doesn't help anything that the woman was born legally blind.
There are drug overdoses, teenage pregnancies, and affairs of every kind. And, the thing is, people are NOT SCARED to tell you every detail even if you NEVER wanted to hear it in the first place. It kind of scares me that they are so matter-of-fact about their disfunctional life events.
The good news is that when you hear about how bad everyone else's lives are, yours seems like a cake walk.
32%? You must have actually done the math!
No, just an educated guess!
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