Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Freaking Out

Last night as I was stretching out from my strenuous partaking-in-the-Bachelorette-while-also-exercising program, there was a knock at my door. I opened it to find a couple whom I did not know. They both just stood there and stared at me until I said, "Can I help you?"

The man said, "Did you lose something?"

"Yes, sir, I did."

He then proceeded to hold up my driver license and said, "Is this what you lost?"

"YES, SIR! Where did you find it?"

"I was cleaning the ditch in the front of my house and there it was. I also found this credit card with the same name on it."

Needless to say, I was elated. I was hoping that somehow he would pull my glasses out of his pocket as well. We continued to chat for a little while about where and how I had lost my personal information and then they departed.

As they were pulling out, something struck me as odd. The car they were driving was a maroon SUV with darkly tinted windows - a near replica of the car that Bender (the man who stopped to help us at the walking path - read previous post for the whole story) described to the police. True, it was a Toyota and not a Chevy, but close enough none-the-less. I didn't think fast enough to get a license plate number nor did I think to ask the couple their names or where they lived.

I am hoping that it is just a coincidence and that this couple was doing nothing more than a good deed by returning my lost property. However, being that I am already walking on pins and needles emotionally, I freaked out. I ended up sitting on the couch, all the doors locked, shaking.

With every creak of the floor throughout the night, I woke up thinking that they had come back to either take everything else or to kill me.

This morning, I have a headache like I've never had before, the chest pain is back, and I am operating in a shroud of self-inflicted paranoia. I hate being that girl who feels like she has no control. Please make it go away.

1 comment:

exploring Enneagram said...

Dear Erin--I'm so sorry to hear about the break-in and the way you must be feeling lately. When we first moved to Denver some bad things happened to us: for example, our tires with slashed twice! I always try to remember that whatever happens (bad and good) that it'll end and change. What I like about your blog is how open you are about the good and bad. Because honestly, people who seem to have all sun and roses right now will have their bad times, too. It's just the way the universe seems to work. EVERYTHING ends. But I hope for your sake the sun and roses come soon!