Friday, June 20, 2008

Benadryl Bath

I finally got around to counting up my waiting-for-the-police mosquito bites - 39. I have 17 on the back of one calf alone. I look like I either have a disease or a flea problem. I stopped at the Walgreen's to pick up some Benadryl anti-itch cream, which I proceeded to rub all over my entire body SIX times this morning. Then, I read the instructions and warnings (I've never been one to do things in the proper order). It said that I shouldn't use the cream more than four times in one day. Uhhh...woops. Oh well! I'm going to use it again, too! If I don't, I'll spend my entire evening doing nothing but scratching.

On another note, the total so far to replace SOME of the things I lost in The Great Beaumont Purse Heist: $424. This does not include the entire day of work I had to miss to stand in line at the DPS or the $9 for the anti-itch cream (I believe I should be compensated by the Beaumont PD).

1 comment:

Holli said...

I'm feeling you on the mosquito bites. I have about ten on each leg. And, I too have been taking the benedryl bath - except mine should technically be called the generic target anti-itch cream bath.

What's the latest on the purse recovery?