Monday, December 17, 2007

Enough Already

There is a constant battle over the thermostat here at Dr. Stovall's office. Someone is always hot (usually me) and someone is always cold (the doctor), and then there are those who are hot, cold, hot, cold. In any case, I think that it's safe to say that NO ONE is ever happy with the temperature.

Last Friday, the doctor had maintenance come and put a lock box around the thermometer (to keep anyone from touching it). I currently am the keeper of the keys. When we left that day, we were under strict instructions to put it on heat at 70 degrees. I did so without too much complaint.

This morning, I walked into the office to complaints of how FREEZING COLD it is in here (of course, everyone and their dog is also complaining about how FREEZING COLD it is outside because last night was the first frost of the season. Whatever! I still don't even need a coat).

Ok, #1, 70 degrees is NOT freezing cold. #2 I followed all instructions and put the heat where the doctor had asked me to. #3 YES, I AM THE KEEPER OF THE KEYS AND NO, YOU CAN'T HAVE THEM.


Holli said...

This is a timeless debate, one that Kyle and I are constantly going over. I am always the cold one - he's always hot. Yesterday, I got my revenge - flannel sheets! Ha Ha Ha!

But, you keep those keys, girl...

Erin said...

Fortunately, the one thing Husband and I can agree on. We keep our house cold, cold, cold. Then again, it was apparently too cold for him last night because he wanted extra blankets.

Anonymous said...

Haha. I see that living on the frozen tundra of Hokkaido and Iwate-ken too long has permanently skewed your internal thermometer.

Erin said...

It's so true. Japan has ruined me forever. I would so much rather have it cold in my house and put a lot of clothes on than to turn the heater on and walk around in normal clothes.

Husband asked me how I slept the other night (when it got down to 55 degrees in the house) and I told him that it was the best night's sleep I'd had in months. He said, "Well, the cold must agree with you then because you slept on top of the covers the whole night."

I wonder if I have a body heat disorder...