Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Offense Taken

While there are many "specials" that come to the doctor's office, there is one that takes the cake (although there is one that signed up today who might give her a run for her money). She is certifiably crazy. She is emotionally about nine-years-old and I swear that she has multiple personalities. She comes in about once every two weeks wherein we have to walk on egg shells, never knowing if or when she is going to fly off the handle.

Today she was talking, talking, talking - like she always does - and I was pretending to pay attention - like I always do. Then she came out with this: "Erin, you're so funny. You remind me of myself. We are exactly the same."

Ummm....WHAT? You are seriously comparing me, someone who is NOT crazy, to you, someone who will probably end up killing some poor medical office worker in a fit of rage??

I feel offended.

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