Just some highlights from subbing in the elementary remedial reading class on Friday:
- One kid insisted that I call him "Turbo". He spent the entire 45 minutes we were supposed to be working on short e and a sounds telling me that his dad calls him Turbo. It's because he is apparently "so fast".
- I got to relive some of my childhood by reading "The Great Brain" series during the times when no students showed up.
- One of the 4th grade students shared her contraband animal crackers with me.
- The speech pathologist was in the same classroom as I was. I got to spend all afternoon listening to her testing different students. With one little boy she said, "If a teacher is a person who teaches, what is a person who sings called?" The little boy gave it some thought and then shouted out, "A GIRL!!" The teacher asked, "What is a person who dances called?"..."A GIRL!!!!"...."What is a person who wins called?"..."A BOY!"
Seems that I may have finally found my niche.
PS As a veteran of school lunch now, I would like to remind everyone that it is ALWAYS a good idea to stear clear of the hot beef and cheese sandwich.
I would have called the kid "Turbo". Then he would have shut up and started working on what he was supposed to be working on.
syvoThe great thing about Turbo? He can talk AND work at the same time. Really. I didn't know that kids like that still existed.
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