I am one of those people that has TV programs that they can't miss. And when I say "can't miss", I mean it. I actually made Nick call me back the other night because he called BEFORE Emmit Smith did the jive AND Sarah Evans' "emotional interview" on why she had decided to leave the show on "Dancing With the Stars".
You are thinking that this is where it ends. No, you are WRONG. I also happen to be addicted to "Lost". I can't really understand this addiction since #1 buying Season 2 (I accidentally lifted Season 1 from HM before I departed Japan) set me back $45 and #2 Season 2 pretty much sucked up until the last three or four episodes. And yet, I continue to count down the days until the next Wednesday at 7:00 (the results show for "Dancing With the Stars" is on at 6). And not only that, I TAPE it.
My sister and brother-in-law are also hooked and are freeloading off of my addiction by sneaking out my Season 2 and 3 episodes before I even had a chance to watch them. Unacceptable.
Yup, just as I suspected...I am a no-life-loser.
Being addicted to TV is why I made a committment to watch less. When I started postponing contact with REAL people in exchange for something on TV, I knew something was wrong.
Decent TV (in the form of DVD, continual broadcasting)will always be there. Friends and family will not.
So, when we watched television the ENTIRE day on my couch....was that wrong??
I started postponing contact with real people long ago in a country called Japan...in favor of MSN messenger and speaking/typing English. I'm sorry, but I can't blame myself for that. I was driven to it.
And Stephanie, of course watching TV with you all day was not wrong. Nothing I do is ever "wrong". Plus, I believe we had several bonding moments by making fun of the people ON TV...and several other times that same week making fun of people in person. Look! Contact with REAL people!
Yeah, Grasshopper is right. Japan forces people to postpone contact with real people. I am addicted to MSN Messenger and emailing back and forth on my phone. Pretty sad really. What am I going to do when I rotate back to the States?
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