Thursday, September 28, 2006

Thinking About Running Away

You know, if it weren't for Nick (and college football Saturdays), I think that I might just turn around and go right back to Japan. I'm missing it. I miss the kids, I miss my house, I miss my cat, I miss my car, I miss my office, and most of all, I miss the fall colors. Although my house in America really is the greatest place on earth, no place can compete with the fall colors of the Mura. Sigh...

I guess the only thing that I can do to counter-act these feelings are to think about the things that I DO NOT miss...low speed limits, freezing cold houses, and expensive petrol.


Erin said...

I meant non-living objects. Obviously. If you had read more thouroughly, you would have known that.

And Speedy, you're not even IN Japan. Come on, now.

The Pittmeister said...

I have to agree with her cheekiness in saying "non-living?" Everything you said was alive.

Erin said...

Living as in "breathing", yes, but "living" as in "the only thing that was important in my life", no.

Anonymous said...

If you go back to Japan, can you stuff me in your baggage? Being home is kinda lame...

Erin said...

Listen, Darby, I TOTALLY know what you're talking about. Are you really in Canada? Perhaps a field trip to see you is in order...Never been to Canada before, you know.

Anonymous said...

i miss you, you miss japan - sounds like an Iwate reunion is in the works!!

Erin said...

A reunion! Yes! Tell me when and where and I will be long as the "where" is within 25 miles of my house...