I hate traveling with my parents. This is because they never leave when they say they're going to...the common rule is to add two hours to whatever time they have given you.
We were supposed to leave for Jackson Hole and a mini-family reunion at 12 pm. It is nigh onto 2 right now and dad hasn't even showered. This might not bother me so much if I hadn't forgotten one little rule of traveling with P-Diddy and Judy Roo: don't even start getting ready until dad is safely in the shower.
Why? Because while Murphy's Law is always prevalent, so is Paul's Law: right before you are about to leave for somewhere, SOMETHING ALWAYS COMES UP. Today, I had decided that I wanted to look somewhat nice (translation: have my hair brushed and my clothes manure free), so I curled my hair and put on my "town clothes". As soon as the last curl was done and perfectly hairsprayed into place with non-frizz aerosol spray, dad walked in the house to inform both mom and me that there were cows in the stackyard. That means that we have to go and get them out and fix the fence.
Sounds easy enough, right? Wrong. We rode down on the 4-wheeler, which throws massive chunks of whatever is on the ground onto your clothes (ie the afore mentioned cow poo) only to find that not only were the cows stuck in the stackyard, three of them were conveniently stuck in between the bales. That means that mom and I had to come back up to the house to get the tractor with the loader on it, move all of the bales between the cows and freedom, and then put them back.
While we do this, dad fixes the fence and all is swell....WRONG AGAIN. I managed to get the 4 wheeler stuck in the ditch in the EXACT SAME PLACE that my dad had just driven safely across (how does that happen?) and had to spend 15 minutes in muck and water up to my knees trying to get it out.
Anyway, after several more trips up to the house from the very bottom field, me getting busy with the pliers, fence clips, and the post pounder, we finished in a two hours and two minutes.
So now I guess all I have to wait for is for everyone to have a little lunch, for dad to shower, for mom and dad to pack, and we should be on our way....a mere 4 hours after the originally planned take off.
Note to self: next time, remember Paul's law...and also look for some kind of cleaner that automatically removes cow excretions from clothes.
No Frizz Hairspray: $3.00
Manure remover, gasoline, town clothes: $35.00
Having to remove stupid cows from the hay bales: Priceless.
I'll show you priceless!
And what would that be? I thought my Mastercard Ad was very funny.
Priceless in my family is actually getting somewhere on time.
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