Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I'm Sore

My brother, Jared, thought that it would be a good idea to cut some firewood the other day. Since there were only three of us home, he took the job with the chainsaw, my brother-in-law took the job with the ginormous saw, and naturally, I was stuck with the job of hauling WHOLE trees from various locations to the ginormous saw using nothing other than my raw physical power.

While I used to be able to do this without batting an eye, admittedly, over the past three years, I have become a wimp to the third degree. After about 30 minutes, I was completely spent, bruised, and scraped, and ready for a Pepsi break. However, since we did not have a full load, I was required to keep going for another hour and a half.

All I have to say is, it has been two days and my biceps are STILL sore. I have GOT to get back in shape if for no other reason than to haul trees around. Either that or perhaps I should learn proper chainsaw techniques so I can be an operator instad of grunt labor. Isn't there something in my personality that SCREAMS "good with very dangerous tools"? In either case, Paul Bunion, move over.


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to point out the suspiciousness of posting a blog titled "I'm in love" and the following it up with "I'm sore."

But mostly, I just wanted to say hi. I miss you Neff chan.

Erin said...

DARBY!!!!! Despite the fact that your comment is COMPETELY wrong for my family friendly blog, I'm happy to know that you're living! I miss you, too!!

Where are you??