Monday, September 25, 2006

I'm In Love

I've been trying with all my might to NOT do this, but apparently love knows no boundaries nor shame. That's right, my friends, I'm in love. You've been introduced to "Fiancee Nick" several times earlier on this month, but for the most part, I've selfishly kept him to myself.

Now that I have spent another week with him and can no longer hold it in, I have to inform one and all that he is perhaps the most wonderful man on the face of the earth. That's right ladies, give up looking for the perfect man because I have found him and staked my claim, insisting that he tattoo, "Viva la Erin" on his forehead.

If there was one thing that really sent me over the edge and demanded that this blog be written, it was when Nick, who HATES country music said, "You know, Erin, I'm thinking of dedicating some of my XM channels to country music so you can listen to them when you drive my car."



The Pittmeister said...

Forget the radio station settings!

Speaking as a man, I would have argue that the true symbol that a man loves is when he boldly walks into a store like Wal-Mart, Target, or a store of that nature, strides to the Health and Beauty section, and buys "feminine hygiene products" for his significant other. That my friend, is the symbol of commitment.

Erin said...

If that is indeed the symbol of commitment, I'm happy to say that my guy is up to his elbows in commitment!

Erin said...

Wait, hold the phone. Hitting on YOUR boyfriend Cheeky?? I don't think so. I haven't even spoken to him in two months.

And Speedy, if it wins any points with you, Nick DOES own a Johnny Cash CD...of course, his favorite song on there is "Cocaine Blues". A little suspect if you ask me...

Eric said...

A Texan without a stetson and he isn't into country music? You have found a rare gem indeed, Erin, sounds like a keeper!

Bonin Boys Mom said...

In the words of your soon to be nephew....Oh Gross!!