My car has a dead mouse in the heating vent. I know this because whenever you turn on the air conditioner/heater (and yes, everyone, in case you are wondering, it has been cold enough here over the past week to actually use the heater), you get blasted with what I can only describe as "the smell of death". Now, being that I grew up on the ranch, the smell of death really doesn't bother me all that much...until I'm shut up in a car with it circulating and re-circulating around my head and thereby, settling in my clothes. By the time I get out of the car, I'm used to the smell but everyone else around me very nearly runs away. Come on guys! It's not my fault!
Anyway, you would think that NOTHING in the world could smell worse than a dead mouse in your heating vent. Well, I am happy to inform you that you are WRONG on that account. And how do I know this? Because while I was gone to Texas this past week, I left my car in the hot sun complete with a forgotten bottle of chocolate milk on the front seat. The milk exploded, caked itself onto my seat, and instantly soured.
It took me two full hours to scrape the mess off with a garden trowel and scrub it clean with a brush, and in the mean time, tried to control my very sensitive gag reflex so I wouldn't have to clean up anything extra. Then, I sprayed Fabreeze all over everything to give it that nice "wild flower" smell.
Come to find out that Fabreeze doesn't cover up sour milk and dead mouse. This morning I got in the car to find that it now smells like sour milk, dead mouse, and an overpowering scent of some nasty flower that God never intended to be put on the earth. I guess that's what overconfidence in cleaning products gets me.
That happened to me once. Tufts of hair came out of the vent. It was only then that I realized what the source of the really weird smell was. Poor thing.
Is the poor thing in reference to me or the dead mouse??
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