Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Oh My Word, I'm My Mother

Before this gets out of hand and turns into something that I don't want it to be, let's get one thing straight: I love my mom. I just don't want to BE my mom.

And yet, here I am, at the ripe old age of 27, and that is apparently what I have become. A lady that I have known my entire life but haven't seen for a few years walked into the office the other day and actually MISTOOK me for my mother. Do I look like a 62-year-old woman with gray hair? I hope not.

She quickly realized her mistake and appologized, offering this explaination, "Well, your profile does look an awful lot like her and you SOUND exactly alike." That is one sentence I could have done without. This is because sometimes my mom sounds like my grandma...and my grandma, rest her soul, was a mean, crusty, old woman. Due to this, despite the fact that her name was actually Grandma Saden, I amended it to "Grandma Satan".

So, if Judy is to Grandma Satan as Erin is to Judy, that means that Erin = Grandma Satan. And that is worse than being my mother.

1 comment:

Erin said...

That is what my cousin, AKA, the Mary Kay representative said!