Monday, August 07, 2006

Me, But In Color

My cousin recently became a Mary Kay consultant. What does that mean? FREE MAKEOVERS. Well, that's not exactly what it means. What it means is that you go down to her house and she paints your face until you can't recognize yourself anymore, then you take pictures and show them to everyone and proclaim, "Look at how fabulous I am!" They take one look at the picture and say, "Yes, you do look fabulous", all the while thinking, "My word, what the hell happened to HER? She looks like she has a black eye. And how much lip gloss does one person need?"

This is a paradox...or is it irony? I don't really know but what I am meaning to say is that while you are thinking one thing, everyone around you is thinking another. And while you are thinking the one thing, the consultant sells you seventy-five different products guaranteed to make you look younger, reduce fine lines (I might be the only woman on earth who is proud of my "fine lines". I worked hard for those!), moisturize, color, and shine you up like a new penny. My question is, if God intended for us to get older and in most cases, uglier, why on earth do we feel the need to change that natural process?

Ok, fine, I admit it. I bought some shinny stuff to put on my lips. Change the process! Screw nature.

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