Thursday, July 30, 2015

Ruby Valley 2015

I couple of weeks ago, we got to go home.

Because no matter where in the world you live, there is no other home.

Let me tell you, flying with two mobile kids by yourself is not the most fun I've ever had.

I bought tickets for bedtime and nap time, thinking they'd sleep.


Instead, they were just super cranky, which was awesome.

The best thing was that I was able to see all of my siblings and all of their kids - that's the first time that's happened in years.

I did a horrible job of taking pictures - most of the ones I took of the kids are blurry.  Why do they have to move around so much?!

1 comment:

Justin Porter said...

I'm loving the photos...and now I want to go home. Glad you had a great trip!!!