Tuesday, March 04, 2014

From the Phone

carolyn is getting more and more interested in physically handling tate.  he's thrilled.

carolyn keeps asking to go to wendy's for a frosty.  and this is how she feels when we get one:
yet another church where i'm not allowed:

carolyn has figured out that my cell phone takes pictures.  one day she took over 300 - mostly of willy wonka on the tv.  but she also took this one, which i love:

tater at three months old.

two weekends ago, we went to the local gumbo cookoff. the very best gumbo there also had a minion theme. carolyn was a huge fan of the minion robot.  and also the bouncy slide.

i bought a giant pork roast that was on sale the other day.  when i told carolyn that it weighed as much as tate did when he was born, she started carrying it around and we dubbed it her "pork baby".  when i asked for it back so i could portion it out, she hung onto it and said, "no, mama!  just 10 more minutes!" bless her non-doll owning heart.

for some reason, carolyn thinks she's enrolled in a dance class.  she found this little outfit the other day (a hand-me-down), put it on, and wore it all day long so she'd be ready.

finally pulled the swing out for tate, thinking that it'd help him nap. the problem is that he's already almost too big for it. the good news?  it helped him discover his toes.

a friend gave us some free tickets to sesame street live. i thought carolyn would really get into it.  she lasted for about 30 minutes. 

carolyn's greatest fear in life is that she's going to miss something.  so, when her daddy prepares to go anywhere, this is how she makes sure she doesn't get left behind:

carolyn had to put her NASCAR head set on the other day because tate's crying was "getting all over in her ears".

carolyn found another use for my nursing bra insert.  as you can tell, tater is thrilled to be the object of her enthusiasm.

1 comment:

ACDC said...

Elizabeth complains all the time that Ethans crying scares her, and then she starts crying. Like I need TWO crying kids at once....