The Kid was singing Christmas songs this morning:
The Kid: Two fish know when it is Christmas...
Me: Naw, dude, it's "we wish you a Merry Christmas...."
The Kid: Oh, c'mon, mama.
TV Announcer: There have ben some really great halftime shows in the history of the Super Bowl, but Bruno Mars was one of the best.
Husband: I don't know, I liked Janet Jackson.
Today is National Letter of Intent Day. I'm pretty sure we're the only household in America that knows this - beside those players who are signing and the coaches who are receiving the letters. Husband has given me instructions that I am to call him with updates throughout the day to see who "we" (meaning Texas A&M) signed. Texas A&M should hire him as a recruiting expert.
Husband put Woody Woodpecker on Netflix for The Kid. I snicker every time she runs through the living room yelling, "I got Woody Pecker, I got Woody Pecker!" Because apparently, I'll never be mentally mature enough to act like an adult...
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