Friday, December 14, 2012

It's Up!

Our tree is finally up!

Husband drove us down to get a real, live tree on Wednesday night.

It's the first real tree we've had since we've been married and I could not be happier.

It's also the first tree I've ever had to pay for.

When we were little, we'd just drive up behind the house and cut one down.


Just as a PS, did you know that Douglas Firs don't smell like pine trees at all?

Carolyn really likes the tree.

In the two mornings it's been up, she runs up to it and says, "Look!  A Christmas tree!  It's just so beautiful.  And it's so fancy."

To my surprise and delight, she seems to have little or no interest in touching the ornaments or in taking them off the tree.

Double score on that one.

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