Tuesday, July 17, 2012


It's not CSI over at the Peters' household, but it doesn't take a genius to read these clues from a couple of recent crime scenes:

(Gold Bond Foot Powder)


It appears a tiny person - who is either Carolyn or a leprechaun - has an obsession with climbing up to the counters to find those items with which she can make the biggest mess.

Then, she proceeds to dump the entire bottle of whatever she finds directly on the floor.

The foot powder bottle made it all the way from our upstairs bedroom to the downstairs laundry basket before it's final puff of content...foot powder on the walls, on every, single stair, and all over Husband's clean socks.

Nothing like spending 45 minutes cleaning up something that took her less than 3 minutes to create.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Hahaha! I don't believe this was the doing from sweet Carolyn. Must have been a leprechaun framing her.