Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blabber Mouths


I kind-of-sort-of quit my job on Monday.

And by kind-of-sort-of, I mean I actually did.

I agonized and agonized over the decision, making myself sick for over a month in the process.

Then, I told my boss I was giving my two week notice.

And told him I wanted to "keep it on the down low".

Because that sounds a lot more politically correct than telling him to keep his big yapper shut.

Naturally, it totally worked.

I told him I was quitting at 4:57pm Monday.

By 8:02am Tuesday, everyone and their dog knew.

Except the Tummy Toucher.

I hope it stays that way because as soon as she finds out, she's going to want to hug me and talk about what I'll be doing instead. 

I don't want to hug her.

Or tell her where I'm going.

Because she'll follow me.

She's crazy.

Anyway, it's really amazing how super smart I've become since I handed in my resignation.

Like, you would think I'd become a purchasing/work order/contracting genius over night.

The main lady who does all that stuff is at training all week.

People keep walking in saying, "Vonda usually does this, and I don't think you can help me, but..."

Then when I can help them, they are incredulous.

"I had no idea you could do that!", they cry.

I now have more work than I've had in the entire 16 months I've worked here combined.

It's a shame they didn't realize that I'm not an idiot earlier.

For the time being, I'll be working at Tic Tac Day Spa and Salon on Dowlen by the big HEB.

Wednesday through Saturday.

Come see me.

But not you, Tummy Toucher.

You're not invited.


Rebecca Lynn said...

Congratulations on the move! Does this mean you've worked out all the kinks in daycare for C too?

Erin said...

For the time being, yes, all the kinks are worked out! HOORAY on that point! No more daycare for baby!

The only thing that's not worked out is whether or not I'll actually be able to make this massage thing work :)

Holli said...

Oh, Erin. You are so, so, so, so brave! Why don't you send out an email to the ward and let everyone know and what your pricing is. I'm sure there's plenty of people in need of a good massage.

Kristina P. said...

Sounds like you will be MUCH happier.

Erin said...

In a month we'll see if I'm "brave" or "just plain stupid" :) said...

Good luck! I hope the massage gig works out. I don't know how much water my opinion holds for you, but I'd say you're doing the right thing. Carolyn will thank you!