Friday, October 08, 2010

The Sixth Sense

1.  Do all babies have that sense?  The one where they can tell that you're just about to do something that doesn't involve them?  I swear.  I put Carolyn down and she's doing so well, I stupidly think, "Oh, I can probably squeeze in a bowl of cereal!"  No sooner do I pour the milk into the bowl than she starts to scream.  By the time I get her calmed down enough to eat, my cereal is soggy and grody. 

2.  It really is a shame that I don't make more money than Husband.  If that were the case, I could go to work and he could be a stay-at-home daddy.  Carolyn reacts so differently to him.  With me she fusses and fusses and fusses.  He picks her up and for hours at a time, she's quiet and well behaved.  It was the same thing with my mom - she smiled and cooed when mom picked her up and sang to her.  When I do the exact same thing, she cries.  My voice isn't that bad, is it?? Or maybe she's already going through her teenage years where nothing her mother does is right.

3.  How do I put Carolyn on a schedule?  I know she's still a little young, but I've got to lay the ground work now for my own sanity.  Like, is it too much to ask for at least one good nap a day?  And is it too much to ask for her not to have to be rocked to sleep for every nap?  Why does she scream until I pick her up and then continue to flail and whine for at least 30 minutes before drifting off?  She puts herself to sleep at night, why doesn't she do it during the day?

4.  Does anyone else watch The Nate Berkus Show? For those of you who don't know, he was a featured interior designer on Oprah (once again, how on earth do I get to be friends with Oprah??).  Now he has his own talk show.  There's just one thing I don't understand about the show - Nate Berkus is gay, right?  I thought all gay men knew how to dress.  But Nate always looks like he just woke up.  The other day, he was wearing a Mr. Rogers lumpy grey sweater, black pants, and these ugly brown shoes with no socks.  C'mon, Nate.  If you don't know how to dress yourself, at least use some of your new found cash to hire someone to do it for you.


Krista said...

I heard that it is a new style for men to wear dress shoes with short socks....i think it is gross because who wants to see their skinny hairy ankles!

stephanie from texas said...

we need to get a copy of THe Ferber Method for you. Jill Bebee made me use his method and it worked like a dream with Sawyer. he is still a fantastic sleeper.

and it is okay for her to cry. eat your cereal!

stephanie from texas said...

and btw, i am so looking forward to my 3 days of babysitting duty!

Rebecca Lynn said...

yes, babies have a sixth sense and they don't let go of it until at least preschool (sometimes later). i'm excited ms. stephanie is going to babysit for you. you need some time for YOU!