Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Awkward Phase

1.  I'm totally at the awkward phase.  I weigh less than I did before I got pregnant, but thanks to the...ummm...redistribution of belly fat, my waist is larger than it's ever been.  Therefore, none of my clothes fit.  I still have to wear my maternity pants.  I'm quickly running out of time where I can tell everyone, "Oh, I just had a baby, so..."

2.  I always look around at work and wonder if other women who have their kids in daycare ever feel guilty.  Because I do.  Every second of every day.  When I pick Carolyn up, I feel like I have to constantly appologize to her babysitter - because if my baby had a fussy day, I feel horrible that she had to deal with it.

3.  And speaking of guilt, I still feel guilty that I feed my baby formula.  Every time I have to plunk down the cash at the grocery store, I think, "Man, if I could have just done this-or-that or stuck it out just a little longer or been less of a wimp, maybe breastfeeding would have worked..."

4.  Carolyn is really mellowing out.  Last night when we got home, she fussed for about 45 minutes and then settled down long enough for me to make an entire dinner.  She also spit up enough to soak my shirt, her shirt, my pants, and a burp rag.  It was one of those moments where all I could think was, "You've got to be freakin' kidding me..."


Kristina P. said...

Why do women, and especially mothers, have so much guilt. You feed that baby formula. She will be healthy and fine.

Rebecca Lynn said...

Remember, it took nine months to redistribute it. It's okay for it to take that long to encourage it back. :D

And, please don't keep kicking yourself for formula. My first baby nearly starved (exaggeration) cuz I was stubbornly doing the "best thing" by nursing her not realizing I wasn't making enough milk. Formula is such a blessing. How many little ones have lived because it is an option.

On the work note... I did. And I got really engenious about finances and opportunities and altering lifestyle expectations really quickly. Working isn't a sin or a crime. Check where your heart is (just to be certain) and then give it to the Lord.

Julie said...

Had myself a "you've got to be freaking kidding me" moment last night too! I was holding Lucy while leaning over to get a clean burp rag (out of the basket full of her just washed clothes) and she decides this is the appropriate moment to spit up. Right into the basket. Great, huh?

Heather said...

Hi Erin,
Love reading your blog as I discovered it by accident this past summer. Your ability to relate your take on life through the written word is amazing. You never fail to evoke emotion for me. Especially when you write to your dad. But often you make me choke with laughter on my coffee as I read your analysis of days events.
Thanks for sharing!