Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wanted: Mother-For-Rent

A couple of months ago, I read an article on Yahoo about a new(er) program that's thriving in big cities.  It's basically a rent-a-friend deal - where if you're new to town, you can hire someone to show you around, be nice to you, etc.  Kind of like a prostitute.  But without the sex.  And more walking around outside and stuff.

At the time I thought, "Oh, that's just so sad that people have to hire people to be their friends!"

Today, though, I'm starting to understand.

The Judy left last night.  I cried and cried when we dropped her off at the airport.  I begged her to stay.  She wanted to go home and sleep in her own bed for some reason.

This morning I woke up wishing she were still here...or wishing I could pay someone to fill the void.  It's pretty lonely and very scary without her.

So, here's what I'm looking for:

1.  Someone to hug me and tell me that no matter what decisions I make, it will be ok.
2.  Someone to talk me through making dinner.
3.  Someone to play with my hair - I don't care how old I get, someone playing with my hair will always be the pinnacle of nurturing.
4.  Someone who will sit with me - and talk or not talk.  I guess that means someone to keep me company.
5.  Someone who loves me unconditionally.
6.  Someone who will hold a screaming baby when I feel like I'm losing my mind.
7.  Someone who will invite me over...or not care when I just show up and plan to stay the day.

I so wish I lived closer to my own mom...


stephanie from texas said...

oh honey. i will be your surrogate Judy.

Holli said...

Oh! Oh! Pick Me! Pick me!

PS- Your mom is SO CUTE! I would cry too.

The Livingstones said...

mom said she was going to count her pennies to see if she could bring you out here. not exactly the same thing, though, as living closer. just be glad you don't live as close as us, so as to have to take care of her dog when she leaves. rod is super high maintenance!

Nina S said...


I understand totally how you feel. I moved away from my family to study and work. And sadly there is nothing like family. Ilove your list and hope all goes well and that you meet a special friend in your life soon


Thereasa said...

Erin, come to my house!
I would love it!
And you're welcome anytime of the day or night!
As a matter of fact - I'd give you and Nick a key to our house!

♥ Wagley ♥ said...

you can come to my house anytime! I am here all day everyday! Well except for church stuff and those weekly doctor visits... but in about 3 weeks I will be in the same boat! Screaming baby, no sleep, and all the above!