1. Why did you give women two breasts? Because sometimes, I think it would just be easier to have one big one rather than two little ones. That way, when you breast feed, you wouldn't have to change sides.
2. Since you gave women two breasts, why didn't you give us three hands? Ok, so I don't always need three hands, but when I have to breast feed in public, an extra hand really would come in handy.
3. Why do babies have to be burped? They are so nice and peaceful when they fall asleep eating. Then you have to pound them on the back and wake them up.
4. Why don't babies come out like baby horses - I mean, like, why aren't they able to get up and move their first day...or their fourteenth day? Or at least maybe they could have a little muscle control of their hands and feet so they don't hit themselves in the head and wake themselves up from naps.
5. What exactly is colic? And why do babies have it?
And as long as I'm asking questions I would also like to know who killed JFK. And why on earth BYU thinks going independent in football is a good idea.
Sounds like things are going really well. :)
I always hated when the baby would eat really well on one side and then not be hungry any more and I felt lopsided. That sucked. I always felt like I needed a fake boob for times like that.
Here's the short answer for #4 though...it has to do with brain development. The higher the "thinking" and problem-solving/reasoning capability of the animal, the longer it takes for gross motor development.
Bud says that BYU is trying to pull off what Texas did to the Big 12. Most likely they will end up staying with the MWC but get a bigger chunk of the $. It will be interesting to see how it plays out, though. :)
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