Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Battle of Smarts

Here's a conversation Husband and I had this morning:

Husband:  So, The Lentil was posing like the Peruvian man yesterday on the ultrasound, huh (I think that this secretly makes Husband proud)?

Me:  No, not the Peruvian Man, the Vitruvian Man.

Husband:  Vitruvian Man?  What's that?

Me:  It's that famous drawing by Leonardo DiCaprio.

Husband:  Really.  Are you sure?

Me:  Yup.  Pretty sure.

Husband:  Was that the one he did on Titanic?

Me:  Crap.  What's his name?

Husband:  I think you meant Leonardo DaVinci.

Me:  Well, whatever.  At least I got the first name right.

It's a good thing we're both so smart.

2 comments: said...

At least now I know what you're talking about when you say vitruvian man.

Shelby Bingham said...

That's awesome. :)