Tuesday, February 02, 2010

What the H?

I'm now just a little over four months pregnant. 

You're only supposed to be pregnant for nine months, right?  I mean, there are shows named that and everything.

So the question is, who is the big, fat liar that promulgated that fib?

Because every time I count, I figure I'm still going to be pregnant for another 5 3/4 months. 

After doing the math (which is hard for me being that the last math class I took was remedial algebra at BYU 14 years ago), 4 + 5 3/4 = 9 3/4.

I'm sorry, but 9 3/4 IS NOT NINE.

In fact, it's almost 10. 

What the H?

And also, to the man I work with who always smells funny:  what about me in the break room, slumped down in my chair with my eyes closed says, "PLEASE COME IN AND TALK TO ME!  I'M DYING TO HAVE A CONVERSATION!"

In other words, would you kindly stop walking in the door, poking me in the forehead, and saying things like, "Awww...is the wittle baby tired?"

Because it just makes me want to kick you in the crotch.

So again I say, Seriously man, what the H?


Laurie said...

i have wondered the same thing! i would rather them say 10 months so then when you have it in the 9th month it will seem early and not such a long time.

Julie said...

Yeah 9 months is basically crap, go by weeks. 40 weeks! When you are at 20 you know you are half way done!!

Kristen said...

But you have to remember that the weeks start when you are ovualting, so 2 weeks before the egg is actually fertilized. So, by the time you miss your period and realize you are pregnant, you are already at 4 weeks. And I agree that going by weeks makes it much easier.

The Livingstones said...

i have to agree with kristen. you aren't really pregnant for the first two weeks, and you don't even know for the second two. still, 9 months is plenty long.

Porter Family said...

What really sucks is when people start calling you three weeks before your due date asking if you've had the kid yet and then if you don't pick up the phone then they call twelve other people to find out if you're in the hospital having the baby and forgot to inform them. Yeah. Good times. :)