Thursday, August 06, 2009

Dear Dad,

I wanted to call you today. But I can't.

I thought I'd type a letter. Maybe you can read it over my shoulder.

I wanted to tell you I got a new job.

I wanted to tell you the reason I got the new job was because I FINALLY interviewed with men.

Men are always impressed when I tell them I can drive a tractor. They usually want to hire me right away when they find that out. Women don't care. And that's why I haven't gotten a new job before now.

I thought you would think that was funny.

You'd probably think it's even more funny because you remember the time I dropped a bale on the corner of the stackyard fence when I was driving the tractor with no brakes. Or the time I ran the rake into the telephone pole.

Maybe I lied when I told them I can drive a tractor...

I also wanted to tell you Nick wants to learn to milk a cow. I was going to see if you could set that up for him.

But I guess you can't.

You're probably too busy home teaching Michael Jackson anyway.

And learning to moon walk.

And talking with Carolyn. I wish I could talk to her, too.

Maybe Patsy Peters showed you the ropes up there. Maybe the two of you have gotten together to conspire to get someone to send us a little girl. You both always wanted granddaughters.

I hope they've given you a set of bagpipes. And they're letting you play in the Heaven Band. Do they have bagpipes in the Heaven Band?? If they don't, they should.

Just wanted to let you know how much I'm missing you.




Shelby Bingham said...

Okay, Erin, you've done it again -- had me laughing and in tears in the same post. You do know you have a gift with words, don't you? I didn't know your dad, but I'm sure I would have liked him lots. So did your dad play the pipes? Do you have any pointers about learning to play them, because I'm determined to get one of my sons to play them (one of those ideas that has been stewing in my mind for some time.) BTW, I'm impressed that you know how to drive a tractor. :D

stephanie from texas said...

I am sure Patsy is talking to him and oh so happy to show anyone the ropes. That sweet mother of mine probably baked him a cake.

Hooper Neffs said...

I'm missing him,too... and feeling guilty that I didn't take more pictures of him while we were in Ruby Valley for the reunion. :(

It was sure nice seeing you and Nick last week.

Porter Family said...

You really need to write another book. You're good. Okay, what new job did you get????

Erin said...

Shelby - dad never did play the pipes. He served his mission to Scotland and had a set of them sitting in his closet for 45 years. He did, however, try to learn to play the guitar until my oldest brother threw it down the stairs.

Heather - the new job is at the university in the facilities management department. It's not really what I was hoping for but at least my foot's in the door now!

Emily said...

Dang it Erin! I knew I shouldn't check your blog while at work, but I did it anyway--and now I'm tearing up. Congrats on the new job.