Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Fruits of My Minimal Labor

This is the pepper from last week's picture. It's getting so big. Unfortunately, I think it's sucking the plant's will to live because all but one of the other blossoms have dried up and fallen off. Last week I counted 10. This week there's 2.

Does anyone else detect a bit of turning red on my giant BEEF STEAK tomato? No? Ok. I was just asking. And dreaming. However, I do believe my tomatoes are blessed as, if you look closely, you will see a visage of the Virgin Mary. No, I'm not being sacrilegious.

And, pretty, pretty flowers. I just can't get enough of them even though I'm pretty sure they're supposed to be weeds. These are in a field behind the massage school. All the ones in my flower bed are pretty much dead thanks to the southeast Texas rain.

1 comment:

Holli said...

Erin, these pictures make me all warm and fuzzy inside. I seriously love you guys!