Monday, March 23, 2009

Slug Farm

1. If you didn't know us any better, you would have thought we had a full-blown slug farm in our outdoor rubbermaid container this past weekend. Husband moved a bag of charcoal to find the entire corner piled up with giant baby slugs. There must have been 15 of them slimming up the place. So, we did what anyone else would have done - we doused them in starter fluid and set them on fire. We salted the ones who made it through the flames. While it's probably not the kindest thing to do, it sure was entertaining.

2. I think I've killed my green pepper plant. I was trying to fertilize but I think I ended up burning the leaves instead. All of the leaves except the top five have dropped off and the plant's looking very sad. I often go outside and do basketball cheers for it....Re-bound. Re-bound. RE-BOUND.

3. My friend, Holli, came over yesterday with her 3-year-old daughter, Gabi. Gabi helped me make frosting for some cinnamon rolls. I love to do stuff like that with little kids - they get so excited and everything seems like a new experience. I've decided I'm going to try to see more of the wonder in the world.

4. We got our taxes done this past weekend. The lady we went to is a legend at Husband's job. Last year we got back less than $400. This year we got $2100. Rich, rich, rich! It was totally worth the hour drive, the three and a half hours or waiting, and the chain smoking she did while we were in her office.

5. I was very homesick yesterday. The speaker at church talked about all of those places we used to have when we were kids, the places we used to play, the places we used to love at our homes. I was thinking about all the wide open spaces out at home and missing them so much I could almost feel the breeze on my face.

6. I'm mounting a come back in my NCAA bracket competition. At the beginning of the second round, I'd dropped all the way to 18th out of 19. Now I've climbed back to 6th. Look out, Former BYU Intramural Employees, HERE I COME.


Holli said...

1. Gabi's been talking about those slugs quite a lot lately. You'd think you found Yogi Bear in your yard.

2. I think the pepper plant will come back! It only looks slightly maimed.

3. Anytime you need a little wonder, you're welcome to borrow Gabi for a few days (or months)! I'm all wondered out! :) Seriously, you are VERY good with kids.

4. You gotta hook us up with this wonder woman. We are set to get $140 back. :(

5. Foster made me homesick, too... We had the most incredible yard when we lived in Ohio and I had this old swingset with a fort up in the trees... thinking of it made me very sad.

6. Oops. Don't know anything about basketball. No more comments left.

Kristen said...

I want a rematch with you after last year. So bring it on...

Porter Family said...

Erin, you already know that I'm going to kick your bum. If I don't, Emily and Kristen will, so just be prepared for that. P.s.-where's the photos of the firey slugs? :)

Erin said...

Whatever, Porter. How on earth can either you or Kristen win when you've picked Memphis?? Seriously.

And, no pictures of the slugs. I was waaaayyyy too excited thinking about lighting them on fire to even think about grabbing the camera.

Porter Family said...

I don't want to talk about Memphis right now...