Thursday, February 26, 2009

My Contribution

1. The good news is that I'm doing my part to keep the economy strong. Along with the colored index card industry, I am also single-handedly keeping the makers of Excedrine afloat. I just bought my very first 250 tablet bottle - that's 175 headaches, or in Erin's terms, 175 days worth. And this time, I'm not sharing with anyone.

2. Speaking of headaches, this is the question of the day: Why on earth did I have to inherit all of The Judy's personality traits? Everyone else in my family is 100% Paul - calm, cool, and collected. Instead, I have 60 more years of stress headaches to look forward to unless I figure out a way to get rid of them.

3. The Receptionist has left the building. Her last day was Friday, meaning this is the first full week without her. Training her replacement is already turning out to be something special. It's like I'm taking crazy pills.

4. I've had to hook up with Bird Girl in massage class for the last two massage exchanges. This is because if I don't volunteer, it literally takes 30 minutes to partner up because the other girls waffle around like little kids who don't want to pick the little fat girl to be on their team.

5. Season 5 of Top Chef has come to a close. My girl didn't win.

6. I seem to be surrounded by nothing but highly dysfunctional people. It like working on a somewhat calmer Jerry Springer set. Perhaps I'm dysfunctional, too, but I don't realize it because my dysfuncationality is that I think I'm fully functional.

7. EASTER CANDY IS OUT! That means Cadbury mini-eggs! And, the good news is that this year, Easter isn't until April, which means optimal mini-egg exposure.

8. I've been fussed at six different times today. I would just like to remind all patients that I have absolutelynocontrol over how fast The Doctor moves.

9. Husband's laptop died Sunday. At first, I was really sad because we had to buy him a new one, a completely unexpected cost. But now, I'm THRILLED. This is because his new laptop has fingerprint recognition on it. I often sign in for no reason other than to see my successful fingerprint login.

10. I fully admit that I covet Husband's Blackberry even though I have no need for a fancy cell phone. I just want the full keypad...or whatever it's called. I might never use it but at least I would have one.


coweeclan said...

When did "fussed at" become legit verbage unless your talking about infants? Is that a "Texan" saying? Is that state rubbing off on you? Am I going to have to drag you back to Nevada by your bootstraps? Stay strong Erin. You're a Nevadan... you're a Nevadan.

Paul and Amy Lopez said...

as per momma says when it comes to massage, "fat is your friend".......bird girl looses cause she misses out on what a WONDERFUL massage you give!!! i just wish you could give yourself a massage.....

quiltwoman said...

The more crazy the people I'm around the more I wonder if I'm really not the crazy one. How twisted is that?! So I completely agree with #6!! The question, how to really one who is living in reality and who is definitely on the fringe?!

Davis Family said...

OMGosh Erin, thank you so much for signing me up for your blog again. It's like getting a fix...Shelagh

BexxT said...

my husband and I have been taking the mini-egg obsession slowly this year. We have restrained ourselves and only purchased one bag which we consumed in small quantities (husband has been putting like 10 in a tiny bowl for each of us so we don't sit there and eat the whole bag.)

Because lord knows, I will. And I will regret it with raw tongue and injured taste buds for weeks to come (as I am consuming more freaking crack-cocaine Cadbury Mini-Eggs.)

Unknown said...

I wanted Carla to win!