Friday, January 30, 2009


Function: adjective
1: existing for a long or longer than usual time or continuously: as a: retained beyond the usual period b: continuing without change in function or structure 2 a: continuing to exist despite interference or treatment

Last night I took yet another test in my massage therapy class. They asked us to list nine signs and symptoms of an emergency. For one of them I wrote, "persistent abdominal pain".

As he was correcting the tests he crossed out my answer, marked it wrong, and literally wrote next to it, "The correct answer is: abdominal pain that does not stop".

What does he think persistent means?

I was so mad, I think I might have actually spit fire. Oh, boy, did I fight.


The Crebs Family said...

ha ha and you wonder what we learn in Beauty School...I remember teaching the entire school what an "ion" was, apparently the teacher knew, but just didn't know how to explain it...Sure! Where do they get these people?

JRome said...

Funny! Thanks for helping me laugh alot!

Porter Family said...

If Linds and I start our own HGTV show, will you produce it and write the script? Oh, and you can also be the massage therapist on location. Thanks, dearie, that'd be great.

Porter Family said...

You aren't an Office fan?? That's quite shocking. You'd love it. I'm in shock. Anyways, referencing the coffee pot portion of my entry--one of the guys in the Office sends a fax to another guy on personal paper that is a fax from "Future Dwight" warning him that someone poisons the coffee pot. Dwight gets the fax from his future self and promptly sprints to a co-worker who just poured himself a nice cup of joe and tackles him so he won't drink the coffee. Quite hilarious actually.