Thursday, September 18, 2008

Mustangs of Las Colinas

As luck would have it, the world famous Las Colinas Mustangs are just around the corner from the hotel. I know, I hadn't heard of them until a few days ago, either... did I mention they are WORLD FAMOUS?? I was even coerced into attending the postage stamp size mustang museum where I watched a movie about how these mustangs were sculpted and built - amazing. Of course, I can't really remember any of it's the Wikipedia link. On the menu for tomorrow - a possible foray on the Dallas transit system.


Porter Family said...

I LOVE Las Colinas!! You know I grew up in Irving and Arlington, right?? I have family still there if you need anything. The best mud pie I ever had in my childhood was in Las Colinas. Mmmm. Have a great time in my old stomping grounds.

Paul and Amy Lopez said...

where is the pic of you riding one of them?? they are beautiful....

Erin said...

Ummm, hello, Amy! I follow instructions - like the giant signs that say not to climb on the horses! Ok, so I would have if there hadn't been other people there.

Heather, I had no idea you grew up here. I am literally 400 yards from the mustangs, right smack dab in the middle of least I think I am...I'm still a little lost.