Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Gastric Bypass Alternative

The question for today is, who on earth needs gastric bypass surgery when there are so many cheaper options out there?

An example of my tactic: I recently purchased what they call a "new age girdle". That's fancy talk for "gut squeezer". I bought it from a company called Spanx who claims to have these revolutionary new fabrics that will shape your body or in other words, smoosh your fat rolls into nothingness (they also do the bra that claims to eliminate back fat). This is not your grandmother's girdle!!

Well, the gut squeezer lives up to it's name. It squeezes so well that I'm pretty sure there isn't any room in it for luxuries such as eating lunch or taking a deep breath. In fact, I think it's fair to say that I can feel the life being pressed out of my body inch by inch.

I just ate half of my Weight Watchers meal only to find that the GS does not allow for the needed expansion in the digestive area. I had to put the other half of the meal in the fridge so I can finish it at a later time.

How skinny can I get if I can only eat four bites at one time (which is the whole idea of gastric bypass)?? SO SKINNY.

There are only two problems with this method - #1 There is no way I am ever going to wear the GS to work again due to the fact that it might cause respitory failure and #2 The weight loss that may come from it is not worth being this uncomfortable.


Porter Family said...

I think I found your new line of work...process management new tester of products. :)

The Pittmeister said...

Losing weight is not rocket science. All one needs to do is eat less, eat healthy, and get 40 minutes or more of daily cardiovascular exercise.

Gastric bypass should only be reserved for those people who, because of their sloth and gluttony, have reached the point they do not have legs any more...just flailing limbs of fat which support their body.