Monday, March 31, 2008


I knew this would happen. I've spent the last three months boasting how I NEVER get sick and complaining about all of my co-workers who have been calling in sick in droves. I guess karma really does get the better of everyone - I am home, sick.

I did make a brief and courageous foray into work (and naturally, the courage was all pretend. I am the biggest baby when I'm sick). But, by the time I got there, I couldn't understand anything anyone was saying to me. I kept squinting my eyes and looking at them like, "I know you're trying to communicate with me, I just know it! Unfortunately, I believe you are speaking another language."

My entire body aches and my head hurts so bad that I can't lay down or it feels like it's going to explode. And, even though there is no one around to hear me complain, I whimper approximately every twenty minutes just so at least the cockroaches know I'm hurting.

It's days like this that there is no one you want to see but your mother and the only thing you want to eat is an entire box of NyQuil (when I told the nurse at work that I was going to load up on NyQuil on the way home, she said, "Those are 70% alcohol! They'll make you so sleepy you won't be able to function." Umm....yeah...that's the point, sister).

Of course, I seriously doubt I am going to get any rest at all because they have chosen today OF ALL DAYS to cut the grass in the apartment complex (which takes anywhere from 3-12 hours). I would stick my head out the window and yell at them, but since I have never been good at confrontation, I have no idea what I would say.


Porter Family said...

Sorry about the illness. I don't think it was karma, since you didn't purposely make anyone else sick. Here's some virtual NyQuil wishes for you.

Holli said...

Chicken noodle soup? We're just down the road.