Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ruby Valley Earthquake

When we were younger, we always used to make fun of mom because she would feel the house shift a little and say, "Hey! Did you feel that? I think it was an earthquake!"

Now, the Judy is vindicated. According to the top notch Official Earthquake Measuring People, there was an earthquake this morning in Wells, Nevada (about 45 miles from Ruby Valley, where I grew up. I went to high school in Wells) measuring 6.0 on the Richter Scale. According to eye witnesses (which I am sure are NOT white trash), the historic district of Wells received a great deal of damage. This might be a tragedy except for the fact that no one actually goes to the Wells Historic District (except perhaps the prostitutes as the brothel is right across the tracks) and I think that for sometime, they've been thinking about tearing it down (and if they weren't, they should have been). Looks like Mother Nature beat them to it!

Just as a side note, the Paul and the Judy are absolutely fine despite the scare of having a real, honest to goodness earthquake in an area where there never has been one. I also believe there were no injuries to the fine citizens of Wells (which is a shame because I really wouldn't mind if several of the people I went to high school with were maimed a little). No damage was appreciated in Ruby Valley (and yes, I know that there is precious little to damage there except perhaps the sweet boxcar we have down below the barn).

For those of you who are interested in the rest of the story AKA the fine journalism that comes from my part of the world, here's the link:


Porter Family said...

I actually saw an article about that today and wondered if your family was ok. I thought, "Holy Cow, Erin is from right near there." I really did think that thought. Glad the Judy and the Paul are ok. Send our regards from Illinois, land of tornadoes.

Holli said...

When I was a kid, I lived in tornado alley. Then we moved to Ohio there were blizzards and ice storms galore. Finally, I ended up in Texas and shortly thereafter lost my house in a hurricane. The only thing I haven't experienced is an earthquake. But, it's disheartening! Is there any place in the world where mother nature isn't pms-ing?

Erin said...

Heather - it's funny that you thought about me being from Wells. This is because I have no idea where you are from...Belgium, Idaho, Texas, Illinois...really, I have no idea.

And, I've never lived anywhere where there are tornados. Of course, I guess there was a tornado watch last night. I wonder if that's why the power went out.

Porter Family said...

I like to defer that answer to what I call my "Emily Andrews" answer. "I'm from Heaven." Really, that is all people need to know, because if I start going into all the places we have lived people just get confused, and I end up having to draw out these complicated charts and it ends up as way too much work for me at the end of the day.

And, just to give you kudos, you have correctly identified four of the seven places we have lived (eight if you count Idaho twice). Man, you are such a good friend to know all that stuff.

Erin said...

Well, I thought that by blog stalking your mother, I could find out the other three places you've lived. Seems that this is not the case. Curse her for not being more open to the possibility that enquiring minds want to know!

Porter Family said...

Do you want me to just tell you, or do you want to guess? Yes, prizes will be awarded...

Erin said...

Ummm...Utah...Missouri...France... Can't I just have the prize??

Porter Family said...

Ooh, forgot about Utah. Nice job. Yes, Missouri, too. Two more to go and the prize is yours!! Hint, they are both in the contiguous 48. (Where, if I may remind you, Texas is still the largest...)

Erin said... seems like people who move a lot always have to live in Mayland for some reason. Or Virginia. What exactly did your dad do? If I knew that, I could guess better. Like, if he's in the CIA, I would guess South Dakota. I'm sure they always need CIA agents in South Dakota to protect terrorists from blowing up Mount Rushmore.

Kristen said...


Porter Family said...

Mmmm....I love this guessing game. We now have two contestants, folks. Here's the hint you wanted, Erin. For the first 4 areas (3 states, 1 country) my dad worked with GTE. Then, the last 3 states he worked with AT&T. The last state (this one was Idaho, which you already got) was also one of the last 3, and he is working in Economic development there now.

So, as it stands, you have correctly guessed Utah, Texas, Idaho, Belgium, Missouri, and Illinois. You are now only missing two states. Try not to stay up too late thinking about this.

By the way, the prize is going to be a Pampered Chef thing, since I hawk it and all...

Kristen said...

Okay, my dad used to work for AT&T, so I should have an advantage here right? And we lived in Ohio while he was working for the company, so maybe that will be one of my guesses. Then he also had a lot of territory in Washington and Oregon, but I think you would have said something if you lived in WA. I think I'll say....Conneticut (after a little google search) and then instead of Ohio, I'll say Michigan. Ohio would be my 3rd choice.

Erin said...

Wait...that's totally NOT fair. My dad never worked for AT&T.

I remember that you have a weird affinity with USC for no apparent reason. Perhaps you lived in the shadows of the LA Coliseum (that means that I get the entire state of California)??

And how about Georgia? I was going to guess Michigan, too, but it's already been taken.

Porter Family said...

Wow. Each of you are only one state off. We are going to set a new record for comments left on Erin's blog.

Erin said...

So then why are you in love with USC? That needs an explaination.

Tennessee? Kentucky? I'm sure you've never lived in West Virginia because only one person has ever lived there - EMILY ANDREWS.

My final guess before I give up - Arizona.

Porter Family said...

My grandpa graduated from USC, so it is ingrained in our family. Don't give up Erin!!! There are prizes at stake here! All of those guesses are wrong. Your georgia guess was close, that was what I told you. Come on, don't let me down!!

Kristen said...

Florida??? Vermont? Do I get three guesses? If so, I still like Ohio.

Kristen said...

I definitely say Florida now. It was one of my first thoughts, but I kept pushing it aside....

Erin said...

I was going to guess Florida but I thought there was no way you lived there. That's where all the old people and Cubans go to live - not the Heather Griffits. Of course, I've lived in Florida before and I'm neither old nor Cuban.

Wait a a map...South Carolina and Alabama keep Georgia from bordering on Tennessee. Here I was thinking that they were right next to each other. I hope you've never lived in Louisiana because there are potholes in the road big enough to swallow an entire car.

I'm a little lost. How many more states are we after? One or two? And if we are looking for two, are we off by one state on just one or off by one state on both of them? See! Confusing. I feel that I should get extra points for asking the burning questions.

And speaking of Cuba, I think I might move there now that Fidel is no longer in charge. I hear it's a beautiful country.

Porter Family said...

Off by one state on both of them. Thank you, Erin, for being astute enough to ask the questions that enquiring minds want to know. Florida is wrong, sorry Kristen and Erin. So, just to consolidate your answers:

Right: Utah, Texas, Idaho, Belgium, Missouri, Illinois.
(and we're missing two).

Wrong: South Dakota, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana (although my grandaddy is from there, so you get 1/2 a point), Tennessee, Cuba, South Carolina, Connecticut, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, Vermont, Washington, and Oregon.

Come on, Ladies!! 29 states still have yet to be guessed. Man, this is the most fun I've had all week...

Kristen said...

Okay, if I have this right, there are only 6 possibilities (5 if you don't include Alabama). I am not sure if that was an official guess from Erin. 3 of those start with 'N' so I think I'll stick with the 'N' guesses. My next guess would be an 'M'. Anyway, I'm going to guess North Carolina and New York.

Erin said...

Wait! We're one state off alphabetically or geographically?

If it's geographically, we've already named all of the states that border Georgia (and yes, if Alabama is right then it WAS an official guess).

If alphabetically, Florida is right before Georgia and Illinois, Indiana, and Idaho are right after and all of those have also been guessed.

If I was also one state off on California, the only other state we haven't named is Nevada and I think I would know a fellow awesome-ite.

Either you don't know your geography or you are lying about how close we are just to make us feel good:)

And now, I make an official guess of New Mexico, Colorado, and Arkansas. I have no reason since they are no where near California or Georgia.

Erin said...

Ok, so I totally just looked at a map and I would like to take that comment back about you not knowing your geography (and on a scale of 1-10, I feel bad about it at a 3). It appears that North Carolina does border Georgia A LITTLE.

Can I also throw in a guess of Pennsylvania?

Kristen said...

So, if we are throwing out more guesses, I want to add a couple....Massachusetts and Wisconsin. Heather, you seem like a Wisconsinite (and I originally didn't realize it, but it looks like WI borders MI). I too thought Nevada, but figured Erin would have known that, although I'm sure Vegas and Ruby Valley are two very different places. (Just a guess).

Anyway, I want to know what we're going to play when this is all over...and I think we need to get Emily A involved.

Erin said...

NO! No Emily! She remembers everything! I don't need anymore competition.

Porter Family said...

Wisconsin and Alabama are both winners!! Since you both guessed one correctly you both win. Check my blog for the prizes...

Porter Family said...

Next game can be pick the three states Emily hasn't lived in. What do you think?

Erin said...

YAY! I feel like a winner! And I'm going to have to say that I had NO IDEA about Alabama.

So, how old were you when you lived in each of these places?

And the new game sounds GREAT to me. I can only name four or five places she's lived. Either that or we could have a weekly game of Family Feud.

Porter Family said...

Utah- 0-6 months, 18-23; Texas, 6months-11 1/2 years; Alabama, 12 (A whole year and two weeks of my life wasted); Idaho, 13-16, 24-27; Belgium, 17-18; Wisconsin, 18-20; Missouri, 20-22; and Illinois, 27-current.

I am up for either game. Let's start playing!! This is the most fun I've had all winter!

Kristen said...

I think Erin is the true winner because there is no way I would have ever guessed Alabama. So, who is going to let Emily know that she is in for round 2???

Erin said...

I'll call her and let her know. Of course, she's going to have to come up with an extensive list of all the places she's lived, which may take ten years!

Emily said...

OKAY! Erin never called me, but Kristen did. Let me in...