Last night, Husband stayed up a little late to finish watching a special on our church that was on PBS. Naturally, they hit on polygamy, which is a part of our history (and yes, my family is a product of a polygamist marriage between my great-great-great-great grandparents).
Anyway, after the show was finished, he came upstairs to find me halfway asleep, wanting to discuss what he'd just seen (I don't know what it is, but he always wants to chat when I'm almost asleep). Nauturally, I was not too keen on the idea. This is the conversation that insued:
Husband: If we had to do polygamy again, would you be upset if I had to have another wife?
Me: Can I be the fun wife?
Husband: Baby, I'm trying to have a serious conversation.
Me: What makes you think I'm not being serious?
In the end, I discovered that I would, in fact, have no problem with a second wife in my house. As long when we say "wife", it actually means "housekeeper who we do not pay that does not live with us who will do all of the grocery shopping and laundry."
Here are my polygammy stipulations:
I will be the first wife. I will be much more attractive, funny, engaging, sweet, and overall fun to be around than the other wife.
She may not live in my house, sleep with my husband, interact with him in any way, eat at the table, talk to my kids, or make direct eye contact with anyone.
She will be required to do chores around the house, run errands, and complete any other disgusting task I'd rather not do.
Now, that I write this I've discovered two things - I have a lot of animosity built up for a made up character. And, I could really, really use a maid.
Alright, I totally 100% tag you. I tagged you so much that you are taggard. You are also tagtastic. I am looking forward to learning what I don't know about you!!
The ploygamist wife can talk to my children. I expect she will be taking care of them while I am away being the fun wife!
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