Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Tagged Again! YAY!

10 years ago I was: a sophomore at BYU, just starting my first college job, just starting to date my first ever boyfriend. I thought I was really something!

5 things on my 'to do' list today:

1. Not fall asleep at my desk.

2. Not shout profanities into the phone when the man who has been calling for his Vicodin prescription since Monday calls yet again.

3. Paint my fingernails (much to Husband't delight, I am sure)

4. Go grocery shopping for all the things I forgot to buy yesterday when I went grocery shopping (seriously, I don't even know why I bother to make a list).

5. Avoid all phone calls at the office (because if it's NOT Vicodin man, it will be Crazy #1 wanting to talk about how her genetalia are still burning from the sanitary wipe she used here on Monday. Those of you who think I am kidding are WRONG).

5 Things I would do if I became a billionaire:

1. Quit my job and travel the world on my giant yacht, starting with Brazil.

2. Become Husband's sugar mamma (meaning he gets $20 to "go buy himself something pretty")

3. Buy my way onto Biggest Loser or some other TV show

4. Call Oprah and tell her that I don't need her stupid endorsement for my book

5. Buy Hawaii. Yes, the entire state.

3 of my bad habits:

1. I love to pick - zits, skin, cuticles, hair - ANYTHING. I guess it's one of the leftovers from my preious life as a monkey.

2. My main hobby right now is blog stalking. Then, I think that if I read a blog, I am automatically friends with the person who wrote it. I often leave random comments on these blogs.

3. I always want to tell other people what to do without ever taking any of the responsibility.

5 places I've lived:

1. Beaumont, TX in a town house surrounded by cars with their alarm systems constantly going off.

2. Iwate, Japan in a house with no heat or air conditioning. At least I had a cat.

3. Zimbabwe, Africa in a tent with other people who were also not able to shower on a regular basis.

4. Sapporo, Japan where I was forced to sleep in the same room as snoring Japanese women for most of my mission. All Japanese women snore.

5. Camp Cloud Rim, Guardsman Pass, Utah in a platform tent with other Girl Scout leaders, 75% of whom were lesbian.

5 jobs I've had:

1. Hay raker for Paul Neff Ranch

2. Hay baler for Paul Neff Ranch

3. Hay hauler for Paul Neff Ranch

4. Answerer of phones for Paul Neff's shop

5. Parts girl for Paul Neff's shop

Things most people don't know about me:

I am constantly trying to think of ways to sneak a kitten into my house without Husband knowing and then lying about how it got there.

I'm scared of chickens because I was chased by a mean rooster when I was 3.

I couldn't read a regular clock until I was about 12 or 13. I blame it on the fact that I missed that unit of math when I had chicken pox in the second grade.

I often think about how I would react if someone had a gun to my head (apparently I've been watching too much TV). I always like to think that I would be one of those cool, collected people who would talk the person out of killing them. In reality, I would probably cry hysterically and pee my pants.


Porter Family said...

was this in response to MY tag, or is someone else at work here??

Erin said...

Someone else (I know, it's hard to believe that I have friends:). And yes, I admit that I solicited the tag from them, too. My word but my life is pathetic!

If you want to see the original tag, go to "Teagan" in my links!

Erin said...

Or sorry, it's under Tomlin, not Teagan.